2024-09-14 2024年9月19日から21日まで韓国で開催されるThe 27th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems(NBiS-2024),13th International Workshop on Web Services and Social Media (WSSM-2024)において,伊藤一成研究室所属の伊藤一成及び学部4年木下 倭が発表予定です.

2024年9月19日から21日まで韓国で開催されるThe 27th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems(NBiS-2024),13th International Workshop on Web Services and Social Media (WSSM-2024)において,伊藤一成研究室所属の伊藤一成及び木下 倭が発表予定です.

Kazunari Ito: Human Picsurfing – A Learning Application of Random Surfer Model -, The 27th International Conference on Network-Based Information Systems(NBiS-2024) (2024.09)

Yamato Kishita, Mikihiro Ishii and Kazunari Ito: A proposal of Application for Learning about Document Structuring and Styling through Pictogram Contents Creation, The 13th International Workshop on Web Services and Social Media (WSSM-2024)(In conjunction with The 27th International Conference on NBiS-2024)(2024.09)